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Secure Your Insurance Network with Expert ISNP Security Audits

IRDA circular for information and cyber security guidelines issued in April 2023 established the requirement of ensuring the security of all organization’s information assets through implementing up-to-date security mechanisms for prevention and monitoring of threats, governance of information security related activities, and awareness of all employees. Information Assets include business data, system logs, servers, desktops, network equipment, network media, storage media, paper, people, etc.

Information and Cyber Security Policy (ICSP) identifies responsibilities and establishes the goals for consistent and appropriate protection of the organization’s Critical data and Information Assets. Implementing this policy shall reduce the risk of accidental or intentional disclosure, modification, destruction, delay, or misuse of Information Assets. This policy enables the Information Security Office to provide direction for implementing, maintaining, and improving the security of Critical data and Information Assets.

ISNP Security Audit

ISNP Compliance


ISNP Compliance


Key aspects of

ISNP Security Audit Process

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