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Turnkey Services

Turnkey FedRAMP Assessment and Compliance Services

The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) is a U.S. government-wide program that standardizes the security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring processes for cloud products and services used by federal agencies. It aims to ensure that cloud services meet a baseline level of security and compliance to protect sensitive government data. FedRAMP plays a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive government data while enabling federal agencies to leverage the benefits of cloud technology. It promotes consistency, efficiency, and transparency in cloud services’ assessment and authorization process.

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Security Levels

FedRAMP categorizes cloud services security impact levels based on the potential impact of a security breach and determines the depth and rigor of the assessment.

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Authorization Process

Federal agencies must undergo a FedRAMP assessment that evaluates the service's security controls, policies, procedures, and risk management processes.

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Continuous Monitoring

CSPs must adhere to continuous monitoring requirements to ensure ongoing compliance and security and report any changes to their service that could impact security.

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Security Controls

FedRAMP assessments focus on security controls based on the NIST Special Publication 800-53, covering access control, data encryption, incident response, and more.

FedRAMP Assessment

Fedramp Assessment


Fedramp Assessment


Assessment Readiness

FedRAMP assessment involves evaluating the current security controls, policies, and procedures to identify gaps and areas that need improvement for FedRAMP compliance.

Documentation Development

Creating the necessary documentation, including policies, procedures, and plans required by FedRAMP, documentation is a critical component of the assessment process.

Security Controls Implementation

Implementing the required security controls based on the NIST 800-53 framework and ensuring that controls are properly configured and aligned with FedRAMP requirements.

Security Assessment

Conducts the security assessment, which involves testing and evaluating the implemented controls' effectiveness, including security testing.

Remediation Support

Vulnerabilities are identified during the assessment; consultants provide guidance on addressing these issues and implementing measures to meet FedRAMP standards.

Risk Management

Shieldbyte Infosec conducts enterprise risk assessment by identifying and managing cloud service risks. We help to develop a robust risk management strategy and process.

Continuous Monitoring Strategy

Design and implement a continuous monitoring program that ensures ongoing compliance and security. This involves assessment reporting and authorization.

Audit Support

In case of audits or reviews by the FedRAMP program office or other regulatory bodies, we extend guidance and support to help navigate the audit process successfully.

Key aspects of

FedRAMP Assessment Process

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