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ISO 27701 – Privacy Information Management System Compliance

ISO/IEC 27701 is a privacy extension to ISO/IEC 27001, which is an international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). ISO 27701 provides guidance and requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS). It focuses on enhancing an organization’s ability to protect personal information and comply with privacy regulations. ISO 27701 compliance helps organizations demonstrate a commitment to protecting personal data and respecting individuals’ privacy rights.

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Personal Data Inventory

A comprehensive inventory of personal data processed by the organization, including the purposes of processing, data categories, data subjects, and data recipients.

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Privacy Policy

Develop and implement a privacy policy that outlines the organization's commitment to protecting personal information and complying with applicable privacy laws and regulations.

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Risk Assessment and PIA

Identify privacy-related risks and assess their impact on the organization and data subjects. Implement risk treatment plans to address and mitigate identified risks.

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Breach Management

The organization should develop and test incident response and data breach management plan to ensure an effective response to privacy incidents and breaches.

ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System

ISO 27701


ISO 27701


Gap Assessment

Conduct a thorough gap assessment to evaluate the organization's current privacy management practices and identify gaps.

Audit and Certification

Conduct internal audits and provide support for ISO 27701 certification.

Documentation and Record-Keeping

Developing the necessary documentation, including privacy policies, procedures, records of processing activities, and other documentation required by ISO 27701.

Personal Data Inventory

Creation of a comprehensive inventory of personal data processed, including purposes, data categories, data subjects, and data recipients.

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)

Risk assessments to identify and assess privacy-related risks and help implement risk treatment plans to address and mitigate those risks.

Incident Response and Breach

Shieldbyte Infosec helps develop incident response and data breach management plans to effectively respond to privacy incidents and breaches.

Third-Party Management

Shieldbyte Infosec assist in implementing controls and due diligence processes to manage the privacy risks associated with third-party processors and data sharing.

Privacy Training and Awareness

The training and awareness programs by Shieldbyte Infosec help to educate employees and individuals involved in data processing about their privacy responsibilities.

Key aspects of

ISO 27701 Process

Shieldbyte Infosec specializing in ISO 27701, provides a range of services to help organizations establish, implement, and maintain a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) in alignment with the standard’s requirements.

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