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NABARD Security Audit

NABARD Cyber Security Framework for Rural Co-operative Banks

The purpose of the NABARD Cyber Security Framework for Rural Co-operative Banks is to improve their cyber security posture, thereby ensuring that they are protecting sensitive information. The core function is to critically assess and evaluate the functioning of ROs, TEs, HODs, and subsidiaries of NABARD, vis a vis their objectives.

The NABARD Cyber Security Framework aims to provide a comprehensive and structured approach to cyber security for rural co-operative banks. These banks can mitigate cyber risks, protect customers’ data, and maintain confidence in their relevant stakeholders by implementing guidelines and measures under the framework. By creating guidelines and precautions to reduce cyber risks and protect confidential information, the National Association of Rural Co-operative Banks’ Cyber Security Framework aims to enhance rural co-operative banks’ cyber security posture.

NABARD Cyber Security Framework for Rural Co-operative Banks

NABARD Security Audit


NABARD Security Audit


Key aspects of

NABARD Cyber Security Framework for Rural Co-operative Banks Process

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