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Security Assessment and Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing, often referred to as “pen testing” or “ethical hacking,” is a cybersecurity practice in which trained professionals simulate real-world cyberattacks to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in a system, network, application, or organization’s overall security posture. The primary goal of penetration testing is to uncover potential security risks and help organizations proactively address them before malicious hackers can exploit them.

Penetration testing is a critical component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy and should be conducted by skilled and certified professionals who follow ethical guidelines and industry best practices. It complements other security measures, such as vulnerability assessments and security awareness training, to create a robust defense against cyber threats.

Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing


Penetration Testing


Simulation of Attacks

Penetration tests attempt to replicate the tactics, techniques, and procedures that real attackers might use to compromise systems or gain unauthorized access.

Objective-Based Testing

The services by Shieldbyte Infosec cover identifying vulnerabilities, gaining unauthorized access to systems, or testing the effectiveness of security controls.

Types of Testing

Shieldbyte Infosec carries out Black Box Testing, White Box Testing and Gray Box Testing, simulating attacks with mixed internal and external perspectives.


Shieldbyte Infosec's methodology involves reconnaissance, scanning, exploitation, post-exploitation, reporting vulnerabilities, and recommendations for remediation.

Reporting and Remediation

Shieldbyte Infosec provides a detailed assessment report outlining vulnerabilities, their severity, and potential business impact and mitigation recommendations.

Key Aspects of

Penetration Testing Process

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