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Security Assessment and Penetration Testing

Wireless Security Testing and Vulnerability Assessment

Wireless Security Testing, also known as Wi-Fi security testing, process by Shieldbyte Infosec involves assessing and evaluating the security of wireless networks to identify vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and potential threats that unauthorized individuals or malicious actors could exploit. Wireless security testing aims to proactively uncover and address security issues within wireless networks to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and resources transmitted over the airwaves.

Wireless security testing by Shieldbyte Infosec helps organizations identify potential wireless vulnerabilities, enhance their wireless security posture, comply with industry regulations, and secure sensitive data and communications transmitted over wireless networks. It is vital in maintaining a robust and secure wireless network environment.

Wireless Security Testing

Wireless Security Testing


Wireless Security Testing


Scope Definition and Objectives

Identify the wireless networks and access points with the testing objectives of identifying vulnerabilities, assessing encryption methods, and evaluating access controls.

Wi-Fi Scanning

Wi-Fi scanning will involve scanning the wireless spectrum and identifying active access points, their configurations, signal strengths, and security settings.

Rogue Access Point Detection

Identification of unauthorized or rogue access points that attackers could use to infiltrate the network.

Encryption Analysis

We evaluate the strength and effectiveness of encryption methods to secure wireless communications.

Vulnerability Assessment

Assess wireless network vulnerabilities, including weak or default passwords, outdated encryption protocols, and misconfigured settings.

Penetration Testing

Simulate attacks on wireless networks to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access. This helps evaluate the network's ability to resist and detect attacks.


Shieldbyte Infosec generate a comprehensive report detailing identified vulnerabilities, their severity, and potential impact on the wireless network.


Actionable recommendations for mitigating wireless vulnerability and collaborating with the network administrator to prioritize and implement necessary security measures.

Key aspects of

Wireless Security Testing Process

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