
The Personal Data Protection Bill – India (PDPB)

The Personal Data Protection Bill (PDPB) has been proposed and is under review by the Indian government. While the final version of the law may differ, here are some of the expected requirements based on the draft PDPB.

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The PDPB require organizations to obtain valid and informed, specific and clear consent from individuals before collecting and processing their personal data.

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Data Breach Notification

The PDPB mandates organizations to report data breaches to the appropriate authorities and affected individuals within a specified timeframe and recommends actions.

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Data Localization

The PDPB may require categories of personal data to be stored and processed only within India as a localization requirement to protect the privacy of Indian citizens' data.

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Rights of Individuals

PDPB granted individuals rights, such as the right to access their personal data, correct inaccuracies, delete data, data portability, and object to data processing.

Personal Data Protection Bill India





Privacy Documentation

Developing privacy policies, consent forms, and internal procedures for alignment with Indian data privacy regulations.

Data Processing Assessments

Comprehensive assessments of an organization's data processing practices, policies, and systems.

Data Protection Impact Assessments

DPIAs for high-risk data processing activities by identifying risks and recommending mitigation.

Incident Response and Breach

Incident response plans and procedures to address data breaches or security incidents.

Consent Mechanism Implementation

Guidance for implementing consent mechanisms for obtaining valid and informed consent from individuals.

Employee Training and Awareness

Training programs to educate employees about data privacy regulations with privacy-aware culture.

Data Localization Strategies

Data localization strategies to ensure compliance with Indian data privacy regulations.

Vendor and Third-Party Management

Assessing third-party vendors and service providers to ensure compliance.

Key aspects of

The Personal Data Protection Bill Process

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